Saturday, June 26, 2010


I think its funny when someone picks up a camera one day, takes a few photos in black and white, and instantly calls them self a photographer. So does that mean that if I put a bandaid of someone, I'm a doctor? Or if I give someone some toothpaste, I become a dentist? I think not. And then they make their own Facebook page for it, or worse, an actual website!!! Even if they're photos are mediocre at best, they still do it. And then it really irks me when people blow sunshine up their ass about how they "love their work" or "are a big fan of their photography!" SHUT UP. You only say that because you have a personal attachment of some level with the "photographer", don't do it. You're making it worse by encouraging them! I've had someone say they like my "work". Thanks for the effort, but they're just some photos, not "work". I may be going to school for photography, but I'm not a full fledged photographer. And at least learn some of the tricks of the trade. Like how to alter depth of field, or how to use rule of thirds, equivalent exposures, how to utilize light, stuff like that! And I think its really silly when the photo is out of focus, but they call it "artistic". No, its just out of focus. Same thing with under or over exposed photos. And not just slightly, like when they are way underexposed or overexposed. DUMB DUMB DUMB!! I'm not saying don't put your photographs up on a social networking site, just don't label it "My work", or anything like that. And don't change your name to "Such and Such Photography". Please.

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