Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Have you ever had one of those days.....

Where everything is incredibly irritating? I definitely did today. It was mainly due to video games. Specifically Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. For some reason, I was just getting annihilated today! Normally I do pretty good, but the planets must have been mis-aligned or something. So I switched to Burnout Revenge which didn't go all too well. But it never does. So I go to The Peak (our local climbing gym) to climb. But for some reason, after a couple easy warm ups and trying a problem I put up, I was getting pumped!! Lately, I have been doing laps around the gym to build my endurance, which may be the culprit. But I had a 3 day break... And I would think that I wouldn't be getting pumped from doing so many laps. Luckily a friend came in and we did a bunch of easier problems. And I did 3 laps at the end which may or may not be good. We'll see tomorrow, eh? OH, and now the copy of MW2 that I play on (My cousin's copy) has a giant scratch in it and I can't play it!!!!!!! F***!!!!!!!!!!!!

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